Exchange of Banners

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President Kevin farewelling Shara and Kirilly

Tonight, we took the chance to farewell Shara Miller, our short-term exchange student from Alexandra, New Zealand, as she and Kirilly will be departing for Queenstown on the 24th June. Clubs banners were also exchanged.

Operation Flinders – Student Presentation

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A group of Golden Grove High School girls received certificates for attending a recent Operation Flinders programme. The club had agreed to help with the sponsorship of these girls to attend the programme.

 The girls that attended the programme after receiving their certificates
The girls that attended the programme after receiving their certificates

Enjoying Rotary

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Each month we enjoy an evening of total fellowship, where there is minimal official Rotary business discussed, or sometimes none at all.

Everyone is having a great time, and we are enjoying each others company, which has assisted in bringing a great camaraderie to the club.

This is reflected in the many and varied projects the club undertakes successfully each year.