• Post author:
Jo Baxter

Club Meeting #1730

Thank you to our guest speaker Jo Baxter, from Drug Free Australia.
Jo is a former member of Rotary Club of Modbury and is currently on the board of the Rotary Action Group for Addiction Prevention. Her presentation tonight was about her work with DFA, an organisation that supports and educates young people, their families and communities to help prevent the use of illegal drugs and the illicit use of harmful substances.



Jo announced the launch of a new website by DFA ‘Save Your Brain’, an interactive online resource for Schools Years 5-12 about Drug Prevention and supports the mental health & wellbeing of youth. The launch coincides with the United Nations International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking- 26th June 2022. The aim SYB is to change the culture that ‘drug use is normal’, young kids need to know that drug use is PREVENTABLE. The site is also available for parents, grandparents and the community in general to learn and develop strategies in stoping drug use in our children and hopefully prevent adult addiction.

She also shared some stories and books behind SYB, one in particular ‘Golden Haze’ which was originally supported by the former RC of Modbury.

Jo also talked about her involvement with the Rotary Action Group for Addiction Prevention. Founded in 2013 and recognised by Rotary International in 2016, which now operates in more than 42 countries ad 45 districts. It’s aim is to encourage all Rotarians to be active in the prevention of substance abuse and addiction, such as seeking out agencies that are working in prevention and support their projects in their local community.

Substances abuse and addiction of illicit drugs is a global problem and can only be addressed by the joint efforts of all worldwide organisations including governments.

If you wish to learn more, please follow the links below:


