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Last tonight’s club meeting we had the privilege of have two special guests: 

Kathryn Button, from Global Connect Christian Schools & Owen Brown, a NYSF applicant.


Kathryn Button, Director at Global Connect Christian Schools who spoke to us about her work and her recent trip to Uganda, and the work with a particular school there.

Christian Schools Global Connect
is a relationship-based network, welcoming partner organisations and individuals to further Christian Education, Leadership School Partnership and Service Learning, globally.


During Kathryn trip to Uganda she visited SIMEKA Junior Primary School. A self funded primary/ boarding school who eagerly and passionately educates children in their area. Unfortunately, they are very poor with limited resources and with a building falling apart. Kathryn was very touched by this place and made it her personal mission to spread the word about SIMEKA and is trying to find support for this independent school.

We were proud to meet Owen, son of Rotarian Mathew Brown, who our club has selected to support to attend the next National Youth Science Forum. Check out future posts to hear about Owen’s trip.