Happy Mother’s Day

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Today, members of the Rotary Club of Modbury Golden Grove visited Helping Hands Residential Facility at Golden Grove and delivered 75 handcreams and nail file gift packs to female residents.

Wishing all the mothers a wonderful Mother’s Day tomorrow.

Shelter Bags for the Homeless

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Alan and John collecting our order of 30 x Shelter Bags to be distributed to those sleeping rough around Tea Tree Gully area. Thanks for facilitating this great project Rotary Club of Gawler Light.


Proudly delivering 30 x Shelterbags, and 10 x Blankets to the Salvation Army at Tea Tree Gully for distribution to those like Woody (pictured), who is sleeping rough in our local community.












What are Shelterbags?

A lightweight, waterproof, vented swag

Includes mattress and padded hood

Easy to carry when rolled up (backpack size and weight)

Add sleeping bag or other bedding to suit seasonal conditions

Keeps bedding dry, provides warmth and some dignity


Clean Up Australia Day 2024

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It’s Clean Up Australia Day. Members of Rotary Club of Modbury Golden Grove this morning scoured Baymor Reserve at Modbury for litter.

There was a man sleeping rough in the park, and he soon joined us in cleaning up the reserve, and another neighbouring park.

Well done team, collecting two large bags of waste, and a bag of recyclables.





A Successful Quiz Night Fundraiser

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We had a very successful Quiz Fundraiser last night!
We would like to THANK Everyone who attended & donated to our club. The money raised will go to club projects for the next year!

Our major sponsors were:

Tindo Solar

Tree Ninja

Mr Clip

Our round sponsor was:


Prize donors were:

Bunnings Modbury
The Grove Shopping Centre
Shine My Car Golden Grove
Village Tavern
Tony & Marks
Garden Grove
Golden Grove Tavern
OPSM -North Adelaide
Laubman&Pank -Tea Tree Plaza
FunLife Fitness Ingle Farm
Jewels for Generosity
* And Numerous Private Donors!